Anélle Maison

is the registered trademark of ELDEA SHOP S.R.L., a legal entity of Romanian nationality, with its registered office in Voluntari, Jud. Ilfov, Bd. Pipera, no. 1D-4, floor 4, apartment 47, with order number in the Trade Register J23/2655/2024, unique fiscal registration code 49898940.


ELDEA SHOP S.R.L., legal entity of Romanian nationality, with registered office in Voluntari, Jud. Ilfov, Bd. Pipera, no. 1D-4, floor 4, apartment 47, with order number in the Trade Register J23/2655/2024, unique fiscal registration code 49898940.


can be any physical person who is over 16 years old or legal person or any legal entity that creates an Account on the Site and places an Order.


can be any physical person who is over 16 years old or legal person who has or obtains access to the CONTENT, through any means of communication made available by ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. (electronic, telephone, etc.) or based on an existing user agreement between ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. and this one and which requires the creation and use of an Account.


any physical person who is over 16 years of age or legal entity registered on the Site, who, by completing the Account creation process, has agreed to the site-specific clauses in the General Terms and Conditions section.


pseudonym by which a certain User/Client/Buyer can add Content to the Site. The nickname is associated with the information on the Site of the User/Client/Buyer under the name "Username".


the section of the Site consisting of an e-mail address and a password that allows the Buyer to submit the Order and which contains information about the Client/Buyer and the Buyer's history on the Site (Orders, tax invoices, goods guarantee, etc.). The User is responsible and will ensure that all the information entered/provided when creating the Account is correct, complete and up-to-date, regardless of the way the User chose to register (respectively by providing an email address and password or through third-party accounts such as Facebook, Google account)


section of the Account that allows the Buyer / User to create Lists. with Goods that he wants to track with a view to a possible purchase using the service offered by the Seller for tracking Goods and Services by receiving Commercial Communications from him.


the online store hosted at the web address and its subdomains.


an electronic document that acts as a form of communication between the Seller and the Buyer through which the Buyer conveys to the Seller, through the Site, his intention to purchase Goods and Services from the Site.

Goods and Services

any product or service, listed on the website, including the Goods mentioned in the Order, to be provided by the Seller to the Buyer as a result of the concluded Contract.


the act of exhibiting for commercial purposes, a finite number of Goods and/or Services having a limited and predefined stock, for a limited period of time established by the Seller.


represents the remote contract concluded between the Seller and the Buyer, without the simultaneous physical presence of the Seller and the Buyer.


• all information on the Site that can be visited, viewed or otherwise accessed by using an electronic device;
• the content of any e-mail sent to the Buyers by the Seller by electronic means and/or any other means of communication available;
• any information communicated by any means by an employee/collaborator of the Seller, the Buyer, according to the contact information, specified or not by him;
• information related to the Goods and/or the rates applied by the Seller in a certain period;
• information related to the Goods and/or Services and/or the rates applied by a third party with whom the Seller has concluded partnership contracts, during a certain period;
• data related to the Seller, or other privileged data of the Seller.

My basket/cart

section of the Account that allows the Buyer/User to add Goods or Services that he wants to purchase at the time of addition or at a later time; if the Goods or Services are not purchased at the time of addition by placing the Order, the Buyer/User will benefit from the service offered by the Seller for tracking the Goods and Services by receiving Commercial Communications from him. Document - these Terms and Conditions.

Commercial Communications

periodical means of information, exclusively electronic, any type of message sent (such as: e-mail/SMS/telephone/mobile push/web push/etc.) containing general and thematic information, information on similar products or complementary to those you have purchased, information on offers or promotions, information on Goods and Services added to the "Account/My Cart" section or the "Account/Favorites" section, as well as other commercial communications such as research the market and opinion polls.


collection or reimbursement of an amount resulting from the sale of a Good and/or Service by Anélle Maison to the Buyer, by using the services of the card processor agreed by the Seller, regardless of the method of delivery.

Green stamp tax

the amount expressed in lei, paid by the Seller to the company authorized to take over the operations of collection, transport and valorization/recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment, as stipulated by the legislation in force.


all the specifications and/or descriptions of the Goods and Services as specified in their description.

1-click payment

the payment service provided by the payment processor integrated in the Site, made available to Customers, Users and/or Buyers through the Site in order to make an online card payment.


unique encrypted number associated with the Buyer's payment card after making an online payment, after activating the PaybyClick service and which can be used by the Buyer to authorize Transactions through the PaybyClick service.

"PRP" (or referred to as "RRP", as the case may be)

is a recommended resale price of the Good transmitted directly by the manufacturer, as well as, as the case may be, through the distributor, the supplier, the Seller, the Sale Price being established independently by to the Seller, according to his own commercial policy. The sole purpose of this information is to support the Buyer/Client/User in the decision to purchase the Good. The Buyer/Client/User understands that the less obvious marking of this information is not of a nature to cause confusion and that, in making the decision to purchase the Good, the Buyer/Client/User must strictly consider the Selling Price communicated by the Seller and requested by him from the Buyer/Client/User for the sold Good.

Search algorithm

consists of two components: text relevance (score represented by the matching between the search term and the data of the Good) and the popularity of the Good in the Anélle Maison platform. Top Goods are reordered using a machine learning algorithm in order to improve the relevance of searches.

Contract documents

2.1. By registering an Order on the Site, the Buyer agrees to the form of communication (telephone or e-mail) through which the Seller carries out its commercial operations.
2.2. The notification received by the Buyer, after placing the Order, has the role of information and does not represent the acceptance of the Order. This notification is made electronically (e-mail) or by telephone.
2.3. For justified reasons, the Seller reserves the right to change the quantity of Goods and/or Services in the Order. If he changes the amount of Goods and/or Services in the Order, he will notify the Buyer at the e-mail address or phone number provided to the Seller when placing the Order and will return the amount paid.
2.4. The contract is considered concluded between the Seller and the Buyer at the moment the Buyer receives from the Seller, via e-mail and/or SMS, the notification of dispatch of the Order.
2.5. The document and information made available by the Seller on the Site will form the basis of the Contract, supplemented by the warranty certificate issued by the Seller or one of its suppliers for the purchased Goods.

Online sales policy

3.1. Access to place an Order is allowed to any Customer/Buyer.
For justified reasons ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. reserves the right to restrict the access of the Client/Buyer in order to place an Order and/or to some of the accepted payment methods, if it considers that based on the behavior or activity of the Client/Buyer on the Site, his actions could prejudice in any way ELDEA SHOP S.R.L.. In any of these cases, the Client/Buyer can contact by e-mail contact@anellemaison, to be informed about the reasons that led to the application of the aforementioned measures.
3.2. Communication with the Seller can be done through direct interaction with him or through the addresses mentioned in the "contact" section of the Site. The seller has the freedom to manage the information received without having to provide justifications for this.
3.3 In the case of an unusually high volume of traffic coming from an internet network, ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. reserves the right to ask Customers/Buyers to manually enter captcha validation codes, in order to protect the information on the Site.
3.4. ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. may publish on the Site information about Goods and/or promotions practiced by it or by any other third party with whom ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. has concluded partnership contracts, within a certain period of time and within the limit of available stock.
3.5. All tariffs related to the Goods and/or Services presented on the Site are expressed in lei (RON)/ euros (EUR) and include VAT, with the exception of voice and/or data subscriptions, which are expressed in euros (EUR) and do not include VAT.
3.6. In the case of online payments, the Seller is not/cannot be held responsible for any other additional costs borne by the Buyer, including but not limited to currency conversion fees applied by the issuing bank of his card, in the event that the issuing currency differs from RON. The Buyer is solely responsible for this action.
3.7 All information used to describe the Goods and/or Services available on the Site (static / dynamic images / multimedia presentations / etc.) do not represent a contractual obligation on the part of the Seller, they are used exclusively for presentation purposes.
3.8. After 14 (fourteen) days from the purchase of a Good or Service, the Buyer will be requested to register a Review related to the purchased Good or Service. The request will be sent to the email address entered by the Buyer in the Account. In this way, the Buyer contributes to the information of other possible Users/Clients/Buyers on the Site and is actively involved in the development of new Services and in detailing the characteristics of the Goods as completely as possible.

Assignment and subcontracting

The Seller may assign and/or subcontract to a third party for Services related to the fulfillment of the Order, with the Buyer's information, without his consent being necessary. The Seller will always be responsible to the Buyer for all contractual obligations.

The right to intellectual and industrial property

5.1. The content, as defined in the preamble, including but not limited to logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, static images, dynamic images, text and/or multimedia content presented on the Site, are the exclusive property of ELDEA SHOP S.R.L., its all rights obtained in this regard directly or indirectly (through usage and/or publication licenses) being reserved.
5.2. The Customer/Buyer is not allowed to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to third parties, modify and/or otherwise alter, use, link to, display, include any Content in any other context than the original one intended by ELDEA SHOP S.R.L., include any Content outside the Website, the removal of the signs signifying the copyright of ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. on the Content as well as participating in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made by reproducing, modifying or displaying the Content, except with the express written consent of Anélle Maison.
5.3. Any Content to which the Client/Buyer has and/or obtains access by any means, is subject to the Document, if the Content is not accompanied by a specific and valid user agreement concluded between ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. and this, and without any implicit or express guarantee from ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. with reference to that Content.
5.4. The Client/Buyer may copy, transfer and/or use the Content only for personal or non-commercial purposes, only if they do not conflict with the provisions of the Document.
5.5. If ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. grants the Client/Buyer the right to use, in the form described in a separate user agreement, certain content, to which the Client/Buyer has or obtains access following this agreement, this right extends only to that or those contents defined in the agreement , only for the period of its existence or these contents on the site or the period defined in the agreement, according to the defined conditions, if they exist and do not represent a contractual commitment on the part of ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. for the respective Client/Buyer or any other third party who has/obtains access to this transferred content, by any means and who could be or is harmed in any way by this content, during or after the expiration of the user agreement.
5.6. No Content transmitted to the Client or Buyer, by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or acquired by him by accessing, visiting and/or viewing does not constitute a contractual obligation on the part of ELDEA SHOP S.R.L and/or the employee/employee of ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. who mediated the transfer of Content, if it exists, in relation to that content.
5.7. Any use of the Content for purposes other than those expressly permitted by this Document or by the user agreement that accompanies it, if it exists, is prohibited.


6.1. The Client/Buyer can place Orders on the Site, by adding the desired Goods and/or Services to the shopping cart, then completing the Order by making payment through one of the methods expressly indicated. Once added to the shopping cart, a Good and/or a Service is available for purchase as long as there is stock available for it. Adding a Good/Service to the shopping cart, without completing the Order, does not result in the registration of an order, implicitly neither does the automatic reservation of the Good/Service.
6.2. By completing the Order, the Buyer agrees that all the data provided by him, necessary for the purchase process, are correct, complete and true on the date of placing the Order.
6.3. By completing the Order, the Buyer agrees that the Seller can contact him, by any means available / agreed by the Seller, in any situation where it is necessary to contact the Buyer.
6.4. The Seller can cancel the Order made by the Buyer, following a prior notification addressed to the Buyer, without any subsequent obligation of either party to the other or without any party being able to claim damages from the other in the following cases:
6.4.1. non-acceptance by the issuing bank of the Buyer's card, of the transaction, in the case of online payment;
6.4.2. invalidation of the transaction by the card processor approved by ELDEA SHOP S.R.L., in the case of online payment;
6.4.3. the data provided by the Client/Buyer on the Site are incomplete and/or incorrect;
6.5. The buyer has the right to withdraw from the Contract, respectively to return a Good or to give up a Service, within 30 calendar days, without invoking any reason and without incurring costs other than those of delivery.

Thus, according to GEO no. 34/2014, the period for returning a Good or renouncing a Service expires within 14 days from:
- the day the Buyer takes physical possession of the last Good - if the Buyer orders multiple products in one order that will be delivered separately
- the day on which the Buyer takes physical possession of the last Good or the last part - in the case of the delivery of a product that consists of several lots or parts,

6.6. If the Buyer decides to withdraw from the Contract, he will be able to complete the online return form.
6.7. If the Client/Buyer requests withdrawal from the Contract within the legal term of withdrawal from the contract, he must also return any gifts that accompanied the respective product. If the Order is paid, the Seller will reimburse the amount within a maximum of 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt by the Seller of the products returned by the Buyer.

The amount will be returned as follows:
6.7.1. for Orders paid by bank card -> by refund to the account from which the payment was made or by issuing a voucher for subsequent purchases, at the Buyer's choice;
6.7.2. for Orders paid with cash on delivery -> by bank transfer, by issuing a voucher for subsequent purchases, at the Buyer's choice;
6.8. The Seller will be able to postpone the reimbursement of the amount until the receipt of the sold Goods or until the receipt of a proof according to which they have been shipped, in case he has not offered to recover the Goods himself (the most recent date will be taken).
6.9. In the event that a Good and/or Service ordered by the Buyer cannot be delivered by the Seller, the latter will inform the Client/Buyer of this fact and will return to the Buyer's account the equivalent value of the Good and/or Service, within maximum 7 (seven) days from the date on which the Seller became aware of this fact or from the date on which the Buyer expressly expressed his intention to terminate the Contract.
6.9.1 Information about product features is available on the product pages of our Website. From a legal point of view, the content of the Site does not represent a proposal for a purchase contract, but a presentation of our offers. Therefore, if you place your order through our Site, your order constitutes an offer to purchase a product listed on this Site. Your order is followed by our acceptance, as described below.
6.9.2 The order can only be placed through our Website. To do this, you will go through a simple process, at the end of which you will confirm the order by pressing the "complete order" button. The button will clearly indicate that placing the order implies your obligation to pay. Before confirming the order, you are always informed about the total price to be paid and you will always have the opportunity to check and possibly correct the order.
6.9.3 After placing an order, you will receive an e-mail confirming the receipt and registration of your order ("Order Receipt / Confirmation"). This does not mean that this order has been accepted. As stated above, your order constitutes an offer by you to purchase a product listed on our Site. All orders are subject to acceptance by us. The contract between you and us will be formed only after our acceptance of your order. The contract will refer only to those products for which we have accepted the order placed by you, and will send you a confirmation of order acceptance through a e-mail informing you that the product has been shipped ("Dispatch Confirmation"). In case we cannot honor a contract due to insufficient stock of products, technical error or non-conformities found at the time of the shipping process, we will inform you about this situation and refund the amounts paid by you for these products, if it is case, in accordance with the reimbursement provisions in the section regarding your statutory withdrawal rights provided in these Terms of Supply, within no more than 7 days from the date on which you communicated your decision to terminate the contract.

GOODS/SERVICES for which the right of withdrawal is not ensured

7.1. The following are excluded from the right of withdrawal from the Contract:
7.1.2. service contracts, after the full performance of the services, if the execution has started with the prior express consent of the Buyer and after he has confirmed that he has become aware of the fact that he will lose his right to withdraw after the full execution of the Contract by the Seller;
7.1.3. the provision of Goods and/or services whose price depends on fluctuations on the financial market that the Seller cannot control and that may occur during the withdrawal period;
7.1.4. the supply of Goods made according to the specifications presented by the Buyer or clearly customized;
7.1.5. supply of Goods that are likely to deteriorate or expire quickly;
7.1.6. the supply of sealed Goods that cannot be returned for health protection or hygiene reasons and that have been unsealed by the Buyer;

Product categories with special conditions:
• Fashion (clothes, shoes, underwear and swimwear) - must be in the same condition in which they were delivered, unworn, without stains or tears.
• Jewelry - These can be returned to easybox or by courier, and the refund will be made only after checking the products. Also, for these products there is only the option of payment by card and delivery by courier!
• Personal care products (cosmetic products, personal care devices) - for reasons of customer health protection, these products cannot be returned unless they have been used, unsealed or tested.

7.1.7. the supply of Goods which are, after delivery, according to their nature, inseparably mixed with other elements;
7.1.8. providing sealed audio or video recordings or sealed computer programs that have been unsealed after delivery;
7.1.9. the supply of newspapers, periodicals and magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts for the supply of such publications;
7.1.10. the provision of digital content that is not delivered on a physical medium, if the provision has begun with the express prior consent of the Buyer and after he has confirmed that he has become aware of the fact that he will lose his right of withdrawal.


8.1. ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. will maintain the confidentiality of the information of any nature that you provide. The disclosure of the information provided will only be possible under the conditions mentioned in this Document.
8.2. No public statement, promotion, press release or any other way of disclosure to third parties will be made by the Buyer/Client regarding the Order/Contract without the prior written consent of the Seller.
8.3. By submitting information or materials through this site, you grant the Seller unrestricted and irrevocable access to them, the right to use, reproduce, display, modify, transmit and distribute these materials or information. You also agree that the Seller may freely use, in his own interest, this information, ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques that you have sent to us through the Site. ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. will not be subject to obligations regarding the confidentiality of the information sent, if the legislation in force does not provide other specifications in this regard.

Commercial Communications

9.1. The Buyer/User can at any time modify his option regarding the agreement given to the Seller for Commercial Communications containing general and thematic information including information regarding offers or promotions, at any time, as follows:
9.2.1. by changing the settings in the Account in the "My subscriptions" section.
9.2.2. by accessing the unsubscribe link displayed in the Commercial Communications received from the Seller.
9.2.3. by contacting the Seller.
9.2.4. Renunciation of receiving Commercial Communications does not imply renunciation of the acceptance given for this Document
9.3. By adding Goods in the Account section:
"My basket", the Seller will send the Buyer/User Commercial Communications regarding:
• when changing the price of the Goods or Services added to the "My Basket" section,
• for recommendations of goods similar to those added in the "My basket" section
• to the existence of the Goods in the "My Basket" section and
• Goods stock availability
"Favorites", the Seller will send the Buyer/User Commercial Communications regarding:
• when changing the price of Goods or Services added in the "Favorites" section,
• to recommendations of Goods or Services similar to those added in the "Favorites" section
• stock availability Goods
9.4. Following the purchase of a Good, the Seller will send the Buyer/User Commercial Communications regarding:
• suggestions of Goods or Services recommended to be used together with the purchased Good or Service

The Client/User can unsubscribe, at any time, from the Commercial Communications mentioned in point 9.3. above by accessing the unsubscribe link displayed in the commercial messages received from the Seller or by contacting the Seller in this regard.

Also, to improve the offer of Goods and Services and the buying experience, we will use your data to carry out market research and opinion polls. The information obtained from these market researches and opinion polls will not be used by us for advertising purposes, but only for those mentioned above. Your responses to market research and opinion polls will not be associated with your identity, transmitted to third parties, or published. You can object to the use of data for market research and opinion polling purposes at any time, by accessing the unsubscribe link displayed in the message or by contacting the Seller.

Billing - Payment

10.1. The prices of the Goods and Services displayed on the website include VAT. according to law.
10.2. The price, payment method and payment term are specified in each Order. The Seller will issue an invoice to the Buyer for the Goods and Services delivered, the Buyer's obligation being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice in accordance with the legislation in force.
10.3. The Seller will send the Buyer the invoice related to the Order containing Goods and/or Services sold by ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. , as well as for any other payments related to the Order, exclusively in electronic format, by adding the invoice to the Buyer's Account or by e-mail, to the e-mail address mentioned by the Buyer in his Account.
10.4. For a correct communication of the invoice related to the Order, the Buyer has the obligation to update his Account data as often as necessary and to access the information and documents related to each Order, existing in the Account.
10.5. Through this method of communication, the Buyer, accessing his Account, will have a record of the invoices issued by ELDEA SHOP S.R.L., being able to save and archive them at any time and in any way he wishes.
10.6. By sending the Order, the Buyer expresses his agreement to receive the invoices in electronic format by adding them by ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. in the Account or via e-mail, to the e-mail address mentioned in the Account.
10.7. If this information is unavailable for more than 48 (forty-eight) hours in the Account, please notify us of this aspect in a message on the contact page.
10.8. Payment by PaybyClick is a fast way of paying online with the card, which consists in making the payment with a single click by using the Token related to the card, without the need to enter the details related to the payment card for each Transaction.
10.9. Optiunea pentru plata Plata cu 1 click poate fi activata de catre Utilizator sau Cumparator:
• at any time from the Account:
The Customer/Buyer accesses his Account->section "My cards"->chooses the option "Add card"-> is directed to the payment page of the payment processor where he enters the card data to perform a transaction of 1 leu required to validate the card. After the card is validated by the issuing bank, the "Payment with 1 click" option is automatically activated and the token related to the registered bank card is issued. From this moment the User/Buyer can benefit from the "Pay with 1 click" option using the token related to the card saved for payment of Orders.
For the avoidance of any doubt, the amount of 1 leu will not be debited from the User's/Buyer's account, being only temporarily blocked by the bank issuing the card in order to validate the entered card data.
• at the time of placing an Order
The Client/Buyer places the Order and chooses the credit or debit card payment method, activates the "1-click payment" option, is redirected to the payment processor's page, enters the card data and pays, respectively completes the Order. After confirming the payment, the saved card is available for future payments using the token related to the saved card.
• after placing an Order on the Site
The Customer/Buyer places the Order and chooses the credit or debit card payment method, but does not activate the 1-click payment when placing the Order. After confirming the payment, the Customer/Buyer will have the opportunity to save the card used to pay the Order by activating the "Payment with 1 click" option. The card thus saved is available for future payments using the token related to the saved card.
Thus, upon activation of the "1-click payment" option on the Site, the payment card data entered by the User/Buyer will be assigned a Token, which can be used later to perform Transactions. After activating the "1-click payment" payment option, the Buyer will be able to pay for the following orders ("1-click payment"), without having to re-enter the already saved payment card data. By entering the card data, the User/Buyer confirms that he was previously informed and accepted the terms and conditions of use of the "1-click payment" service.
10.10 The payment card data of the Client/User/Buyer will not be accessible to ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. and will not be stored by ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. or by the payment processor integrated into the Site, but only by the Transaction authorization institution or another entity authorized to provide card identification data storage services, about whose identity the Client/User/Buyer will be informed, prior to entering the data.

The entity authorized to provide card data storage services is PayU SA, a company established and operating in accordance with Polish legislation, registered in the Register of Enterprises held by the Court of Poznań-Nowe Miasto I Wilda w Poznaniu, under registration number 0000274399, with registered office located in 182 Grunwaldzka, 60-166 Poznan, Poland.

10.11. In certain cases, to maintain the security of the Transactions, when registering the Order, the Buyer will be asked to authorize the payment by re-entering the password related to the Account or using the fingerprint in the case of mobile terminals that have this facility.
10.12. For transaction security reasons, the Client/User/Buyer is advised not to stay logged in on the Site and not to set the automatic login option on mobile devices. Disclosure of the account access password is not allowed and it is recommended to use a password with a strong security character (eg: to contain at least eight characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters).
10.13. The Client/User/Buyer can enter the data of several payment cards that he owns, for which the PaybyClick payment option can be activated, being associated with one Token for each payment card. Also, the Client/User/Buyer can at any time delete any Token thus disabling the PaybyClick service.

Delivery of goods

11.1. The Seller undertakes to deliver the Goods in the door-to-door courier system to the Buyer.
11.2. The seller will ensure the proper packaging of the Goods and will ensure the transmission of the accompanying documents.
11.3. The seller will deliver the Goods and Services throughout the territory of Romania and European countries. Courier delivery fees differ depending on the geographical area and can be consulted here.


12.1. All Goods sold by ELDEA SHOP S.R.L. benefit from warranty conditions of up to 30 days from the date of receipt of the product.
12.5. For a correct communication of the guarantee certificate related to the Good in the Order, the Buyer is obliged to update his Account data whenever necessary and to access the information and documents related to each Order, existing in the Account.
Through this method of communication, the Buyer, accessing his Account on, will have a record of the warranty certificates issued by ELDEA SHOP S.R.L., being able to save and archive them in turn at any time and in any way he wants her.
If this information is unavailable for 48 (forty-eight) hours in the customer's account, please notify us of this aspect through a message on the contact page.
12.6. If the product is defective/damaged, the Buyer can report it through a message on the contact page, in which the proof of payment for the product and the receipt of receipt of the product are attached to the message in order to establish the validity of the guarantee.
The lack of the warranty certificate of the Good must be reported within a maximum of 48 (forty-eight) hours after receiving the goods through a message on the contact page. Any subsequent notification will not be taken into account.

Transfer of ownership of goods

Ownership of the Goods will be transferred upon delivery, after payment has been made by the Buyer at the location indicated in the Order (understood by delivery – the signature of receipt of the transport document provided by the courier or the signature of receipt on the tax invoice in the case of deliveries made by the Seller's staff).


14.1. The Seller cannot be responsible for damages of any kind that the Buyer or any third party may suffer as a result of the Seller's performance of any of its obligations under the Order and for damages resulting from the use of the Goods and Services after delivery and in particular for their loss.
14.2. By creating and using the Account, the Client / User / Buyer assumes responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of the Account data (user and password) and for managing access to the Account, and, to the extent permitted by the legislation in force, is responsible for the activity carried out through the Account or
14.3. By creating the Account and/or using the Content and/or placing the Orders, the Client/User/Buyer expressly and unequivocally accepts the Terms and Conditions of the Site in the latest updated version that is communicated within the Site, existing on the date the Account was created and/or the use of the content and/or the date of placing the Order.
14.4. After the creation of the Account, the use of the Content is equivalent to the acceptance of the changes made to the Terms and Conditions of the Site and/or the updated versions of the Terms and Conditions of the Site.
14.5. The Terms and Conditions of the Website may be modified at any time by Eldea Shop S.R.L., they being enforceable against the Clients / Users / Buyers from the date of display on the Website. Acceptance of the Website Terms and Conditions is confirmed by ticking the corresponding checkbox on the Website and/or by sending the Order and/or by making an online payment.

Processing of personal data

Please read the Privacy Policy regarding the processing of personal data, which is part of this Document.

Use of Cookies

Please read the Cookies Policy, which is part of this Document.

Major force

17.1. None of the parties will be responsible for the non-execution of its contractual obligations, if such non-execution on time and/or properly, in whole or in part, is due to a force majeure event. Force majeure is the unforeseeable event, beyond the control of the parties and which cannot be avoided.
17.2. If, within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of its occurrence, the said event does not cease, each party will have the right to notify the other party of the full termination of the Contract without any of them being able to claim other damages-interests from the other.

Applicable law – Jurisdiction

18.1. This document is subject to Romanian law. In case of any disputes arising between the Seller and Users / Buyers, an amicable solution will be tried first. This chapter and the procedure below represent proof of the Seller's willingness to resolve quickly, efficiently, amicably, alternatively, extra-judicially, the notices/complaints/litigations in which he is a party, using all the legal mechanisms and measures applicable in Romania.
18.2. Thus, for notifications or complaints related to the purchased Good and/or Service, the Buyers have at their disposal at any time the possibility of submitting the respective complaint through the support form available on the Website. The maximum term for solving complaints or notifications by the Seller is 30 calendar days from the date of their receipt.
If the Buyers:
• do not receive a response from the Seller at the expiration of 30 days; or
• receive a response from the Seller after this deadline; or
• are dissatisfied with the way the notification/complaint was handled by the Seller;
can appeal to the alternative resolution procedures (SAL/SOL) presented below and subsequently to the competent courts according to art. 18.7 of this document.
18.3. SAL represents an alternative mechanism to the judicial system, through which consumers are offered the opportunity to resolve potential disputes, when they are faced with a problem related to the purchase of a Good and/or a Service. Thus, reports or complaints against traders will be submitted voluntarily by consumers, and will be resolved in an independent, impartial, transparent, fast and fair manner. Access to this alternative way of solving can be done both online according to point 19.5 below, as well as through the classic methods, on paper or on another durable medium according to art. 19.4. From lower.
18.4. With a view to the alternative resolution of disputes, the notification or complaint of the Buyer can be submitted in writing directly to the Department of Alternative Resolution of Disputes of the National Authority for Consumer Protection at the following contact details: address: Bucharest, Boulevard Aviatorilor no. 72, sector 1, postal code 011865, phone: 021.307.67.69; fax: 021.314.34.62, e-mail: The Alternative Dispute Resolution Department of the National Authority for Consumer Protection is competent to alternatively resolve national and cross-border disputes arising from sales contracts or service contracts concluded with a trader operating in Romania and is included in the list of ADR entities at the level European, available at the following link:". For more details, Buyers can access the link displayed on the website in the ANPC - SAL section.
18.5. Considering the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 524/2013 regarding the online resolution of consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) no. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC, the User/Buyer has the possibility to opt for the out-of-court settlement of any disputes, and by using the European online dispute resolution platform (SOL platform), a digital tool created by the European Commission to facilitate the independent, impartial, transparent, effective, fast and fair settlement, by extrajudicial means, of disputes concerning contractual obligations resulting from contracts for the sale or provision of online services between a consumer residing in the European Union and a trader established in the European Union. In this sense, the existing link in the section: Online Dispute Resolution can be accessed.
18.6. SAL and SOL do not represent two different mechanisms for solving possible notifications/complaints. The buyer understands that the alternative solution of disputes and the online resolution of disputes exist as a single mechanism, representing one and the same instrument, with an identity of purpose, object and finality between them. The buyer understands that the distinction between SAL and respectively SOL is represented by the method of access / the initial format of the respective notification/complaint, so that in the case of SAL, the form of addressing the consumer is a classic type, in writing (by email, by post) that in the case of SOL, the consumer opts for the use of completing an existing form on a digital platform, exclusively online.
18.7. In the event that the amicable or alternative resolution of complaints/complaints/litigation will not be possible, or a mutual consensus will not be reached, they will be resolved by the competent Romanian courts in the Municipality of Bucharest.